I love you all class dismissed #quaranteach shirt

I had a tendency to fall asleep in my microeconomics I love you all class dismissed #quaranteach shirt class in college. I would normally doze until the end of class when the rustling of the other students leaving their desks woke me. One day, about ten minutes prior to class dismissal, I was sleeping when my head fell back in such a way that my tongue obstructed my airway and I startled myself awake with a rather loud gasp. It got the attention of the entire class. As I was looking around trying to ascertain where I was and what had happened, the professor said, “Ah, I see Mr. Wilz is awake. My watch must be slow today. Class dismissed. No, not if they were both moving violations. You can only dismiss one every 2 years. What you can do for the second ticket is ask for deferred adjudication.


I love you all class dismissed #quaranteach Hoodie

Buy this shirt: I love you all class dismissed #quaranteach shirt



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