Star Trek 54th Anniversary 1966-2020 thank you for the memories signatures shirt

Star Trek stories are humanistic Star Trek 54th Anniversary 1966-2020 thank you for the memories signatures shirt. They provide an optimistic vision of our future. Star Trek tells us that no matter how crazy the world may look, today, it will get better. We will get better. There will be a time in which doing great things will be the norm. Contrary to the common perception, Star Trek did not perform poorly when it aired on NBC between 1966 and 1969, but it didn’t perform strongly enough to justify its very high cost. After airing its third season during a time period in which its core audience wouldn’t be home, NBC canceled the series. Three seasons of a show used to be an important benchmark because it made the show a valid candidate for syndication sales. During the mid-1970s, UHF stations all over America purchased the rights to re-air those three seasons. It began to air daily and found audiences that missed out the first time.

Star Trek 54th Anniversary 1966-2020 thank you for the memories signatures Hoodie


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