Vintage Dinosaur Daddysaurus Rex shirt

The only way anyone in India could have Vintage Dinosaur Daddysaurus Rex shirt known about their existence is if they were to come across a well-preserved fossil, which is a hard possibility real considering that India didn’t exist back during the time of dinosaurs. It was only when the Ind-Australian plate pushed into the Eurasian plate that our country was formed. This would have meant that any fossils which were there might have got pushed deeper into the Earth. Not only that anyone who would have found these fossils would have to be able to have a knowledge of the theory of evolution to actually understand what exactly are dinosaurs. Not only dinosaurs you might not find a mention of other human species like Homo erectus and homo Neanderthals in the scriptures either, which actually are more closely related to us and belong to a much closer era. Birds are dinosaurs, yes. And this isn’t a counter-intuitive, technical thing based on arcane, nearly invisible similarities.

Vintage Dinosaur Daddysaurus Rex Hoodie



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