Martin Payne and Gina Waters cartoon this my baby shirt

After that, things get dark, complicated, and way too vicious Martin Payne and Gina Waters cartoon this my baby shirt to be on the right side of good. If it were on the “AITA” website, that would be where you go from ambiguous territory to full yes asshole territory, as it’s just disgusting how he tore Narnia apart in critiques for no other reason than spite. Spite can do many things, but it can’t make something that was only good great. Game of Thrones was great because so much care was put into it. The only time Martin is spiteful is with trolling fans (both when fans are trolling him and when he is trolling them), not in the work proper (to my knowledge). He didn’t read Lord of the Rings and think “wow, this is awful, I could do so much better. Let me shit on everything Tolkien ever did and let’s also have had Galadriel dead the whole time.Martin Payne and Gina Waters cartoon this my baby Sweater

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