Due to personal reasons I’ll be keeping my distance from stupid people shirt

Sure go right ahead. Others may frown at you Due to personal reasons I’ll be keeping my distance from stupid people shirt for blatant selfishness, but power knows no equal, and an emperor does not heed the opinion of a barking dog. It is usually considered a bad Cassus Belli to go to war for selfish reasons, but if you’re a true ruler, then you will do what you want. Draft up some justification or past transgression if it can make the noisy ones shut up, but never lose sight of what you want. The pursuit of your own ambition comes first and foremost. Individualistic and vile it may be according to some misguided holier-than-thou hypocrite, but who cares about those yapping of loftiness. My basis for this reasoning? Both Julius Caesar and Tamerlane solely made their wars based purely on ambition, or some other iteration of their personal desire. Both are highly successful, and both are damn great men.Due to personal reasons I'll be keeping my distance from stupid people Hoodie



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