I don’t drink when I’m drunk I’m a problem shirt

Why is it that when I’m drunk, I’m a totally different person? I don’t drink when I’m drunk I’m a problem shirt I act like a sociopath.” I’ve got plenty of experience on both sides of the bar, I’m 63 and have always been a person who pays attention to the people around me. Being an introvert makes processing the behavior of myself and others come quite naturally. Based on my observation and experience, alcohol doesn’t make someone do something that is totally against a person’s “private nature”. That person who normally acts happy, cheerful, and optimistic, yet becomes inconsolably morose and cries in their beer has sadness buried inside them. They may not even acknowledge it when they’re sober, but the alcohol tears down the mental.I don't drink when I'm drunk I'm a problem Hoodie


Buy thiss shirt: I don’t drink when I’m drunk I’m a problem shirt


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